Donation Form

Please make checks payable to Burkina Faso Girls’ Education Fund and print and return this form with your contribution by mail to:

Burkina Faso Girls’ Education Fund
c/o Suzanne Plopper, Treasurer
PO Box 395
Chester, CA 96020

Your name______________________________________________________________   Date: ____________

Mailing Address ___________________________________________________________________________

City ________________________________________________________  State _________  Zip __________

Donate to Postsecondary Education for Girls (select one):

❑ $20  ❑ $40  ❑$60   ❑$80   $100    ❑ Other (specify amount): ______________

Donate to Noon Meal at the Lycee Moderne de l’Amitie (select one):

❑ $20  ❑ $40  ❑$60   ❑$80   $100    ❑ Other (specify amount): ______________

Donate to the construction of village primary schools (select one):

❑ $200  ❑ $400  ❑$600  ❑$800  $1000  ❑ Other (specify amount): ______________

TOTAL amount of your check: ____________

Thank you for your support!

Burkina Faso Girls’ Education Fund is a 501c3 nonprofit.  Donations are tax-deductible as permitted by law.