Our History.
The focus on girls’ education in northern Burkina Faso began in 1999 with the creation of the Lambs Support Girls’ Education Project (primary school education of village girls) by Global NEEED (Nimbus Enfance Environnement Education et Developpement) Burkina, a local nongovernmental organization registered with the Government of Burkina Faso.
The Lycee Moderne de l’Amitie, committed to providing an excellent middle/secondary education for village girls, opened in 2005; and Global NEEED Burkina launched the Postsecondary Education for Girls Scholarship Project in 2010, with the goal of providing scholarships to qualified candidates for in-country university educations, and for midwifery, nursing and primary school teacher training.
All three very successful projects received funding from Friends of Burkina Faso from 2002 to 2022. In 2021, Burkina Faso Girls’ Education Fund (BFGEF) was established with the goal of supporting village children’s, especially girls’, education in northern Burkina Faso. Through Global NEEED Burkina, BFGEF supports: village girls’ noon meals at the Lycee Moderne de l’Amitie (as they live 3 kms from the school and have no other source of food during the day), as many postsecondary scholarships as donations allow each year, and the construction of primary schools.