Lycee Moderne de l’Amitie (LMA)

Village girls who attend the Lycee Moderne de l’Amitie (LMA, a combined middle/secondary school established and managed by Global NEEED Burkina) must find lodging in a town 3 km away and walk to and from school.  Their parents are subsistence farmers who cannot cover all of their school costs.  In the past six years, over 90% of students at the LMA have passed national exams compared to 57% of students attending other middle/secondary schools in the region. The combination of learning conditions (including a noon meal, high academic standards and committed teachers and students) are crucial to this success.

The $.46 cost of a meal (of rice and sauce, beans and sauce or pasta and sauce) for one student translates to:

  • $23 provides a noon meal for 50 students for one day

  • $77 provides a noon meal for one student for one year

  • $115 provides a noon meal for 50 students for one week

  • $966 provides a noon meal for 100 students for one month

Donations in any amount are appreciated.


Postsecondary Education for Girls in Burkina Faso


Village Primary School Construction