85% of Secondary School Girls at the Lycee Moderne de l’Amitie Pass BAC Exams

This school year, approximately 90 village girls need help to pay for their noon meal at the LMA.  As their parents are subsistence farmers, they are unable to pay.  Lunches cost $.46 per student per day, $77/student for a school year. 

In the 2021-2022 school year, 85% of students at the Lycee Moderne de l’Amitie passed exams to receive the BAC (high school diploma) compared with 40.86% of secondary school students nation-wide.

In the 2021-2022 school year, 68.12% of middle school students at the Lycee Moderne de l’Amitie passed national exams, qualifying them to continue on to secondary school compared with 41.62% of middle school students nation-wide. 

This year (2022-2023), we are responding to a special request to support school fees for 111 middle/secondary school girls from internally displaced families (villagers who have been forced to flee their homes due to the on-going terrorism in northern Burkina Faso) living in tent camps in the Ouahigouya area. These girls are enrolled in the Lycee Moderne de l’Amitie where they are continuing their studies. We are proud to make these investments in the education of rural girls. Our experience is that they are bright, they work hard and they excel academically. We welcome your support for these high-achieving young women of tomorrow.


100 Percent Success


Scholarships for 3 Young Women to Attend University in Ouagadougou