Scholarships for 3 Young Women to Attend University in Ouagadougou

Each year, approximately 80 young women from indigent families who complete secondary school qualify for and apply for postsecondary education or training.   As the first females in their families to gain access to postsecondary education, they need financial assistance in order to make their education a reality.  All of these young women need you.

100% of the 75 midwifery and nursing scholarship recipients we, Friends of Burkina Faso and now Burkina Faso Girls’ Education Fund, have supported over the last 12 years have completed (or are on track to complete) their training and take on new roles that contribute to society’s well-being. Through this education, these women become force multipliers—they are assigned to rural clinics where they are needed most; they assume responsibility for educating their younger siblings, helping to lift their families out of generational poverty; and they serve as role models for the young women coming up behind them. They demonstrate what’s possible when someone invests in someone else.  Your donation is not charity. It’s an investment in the future of young village women that we handle in the most responsible way, with 100% of all donations going to scholarships. 

The number of postsecondary education scholarships we’re able to offer is based on funds we receive from donations.   Prior university scholarship recipients have graduated in medicine, law, science & technology, agronomy, civil engineering, computer engineering, biomedical science, business communication, geography, finance & accounting, English, management, and modern literature.

This school year (2022-2023), thanks to our generous donors, Burkina Faso Girls’ Education Fund is supporting postsecondary education/training scholarships for 3 young women to attend university in Ouagadougou (in accounting, civil engineering and English) and for 12 young women to enroll in midwifery training in Ouahigouya.

We are proud to make these investments in the education of rural girls. Our experience is that they are bright, they work hard and they excel academically. We welcome your support for these high-achieving young women of tomorrow.


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